Campers Love Our Extended Care
To accommodate your busy schedule, early drop off is available. you will be able to leave your child with our caring staff from 8:00 AM and pick up till 5:30 pm.
Board games, books, toys and activities are provided for our extended care.
We also encourage campers to bring a book or toy of their choosing to use during our extended care.
Daily, Hourly Pricing Pay as you go.
AM Care 8: - 9: AM
$11 per day
PM Care
3:30 - 4:15 / $8 per day
3:30 - 5:pm / $17 per day
3:30 - 5:30 pm / $22 per day
Weekly Pricing
AM Care: 8:00 AM - 9AM - $50 per week
PM Care: 3:30PM - 5:30PM
till 4:15pm $35 p/w
till 5:pm $75 p/w
till 5:30 pm $100 p/w
To book the extended care, please add this option when registering